Valentines Day is Just Around The Corner!

X's & O's - Acrylic - Jan. 17th, 2011
Just a little something I started for Valentines Day!

Just A Note . . .

The inside of the Larger cards printed. 
Soon I will have my cards up for sale on!!
Check back soon!

Trial & Many Errors!


The presentation is just as important... I think I have more work to do!

Plowing anyone??

Just a little advertising for Justin, given the fact that CT is about to have
a snow ball fight with the sky and lose on Wednesday!

First Monday of the New Year!

My new years resolution is to not be such a procrastinator!!  We all know this is going to be a hard concept for the artist to grasp, but I'm going to stick to it until I either break down or scream.  (Please don't let it be tomorrow.)

Also my new "100 days 100 Butterflies" started yesterday!  So I will be posting every 10 days, 10 butterflies.  I have no thought process for this project, I'm only hope for a few great pieces!  Who know's I may come up with something that I never thought I could come up with!

You never know what you will come up with, just as long as you just keep going . . . 

Its a New Year!

Lets start the year off right with something fun and new!  100 days & 100 butterflies.  Who doesn't admire butterflies?  They fly into your life for an instance at times and then fly out, leaving only a beautiful image in your mind of movement, color, and pattern.  Let's try and create the beauty of this new project!  Weather its a picture or a painting or a sketch, it will be amazing when the end comes! Enjoy!

Amarylis - 2009

Amarylis - 2009
My photo
Phillips is an Artist, Illustrator, Invitation Designer, and much more! By creating new ideas every day she hopes to inspire you one day at a time!

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